
Thor is a great dog. I have had Thor since he was a puppy. He is about 5 years old. A more exuberant , happy dog you will not find. I have had him through 2 obedience classes. Although he could use some more attention and training. Thor has been by my side these past 5 years, I am devastated to have to give him up. I have recently moved out of my parents home into a roommate situation which is not ideal for him. I now need to get a job and cannot leave him at the house for 8 hours. Thor is protective at home and on the trail. I assume Thor will need an adjustment period due to the fact he has been with me solely all these years. But he will adjust as he is super loving and craves affection. He requires a significant amount of exercise and room to run. Please consider this very special dog

Pet's Name: Thor
Dog: Primary Breed: Other, not listed
Primary Breed (if not in list): Husky mix
Birthdate, estimate is okay: November 3rd 2019
Age Category: Adult
Where did you get your pet?: Friends dog had 6 puppies so I adopted one from him
Adoption Day, when did you adopt your pet? An estimate is okay.: Christmas of 2019
Gender: Male
Size (at full grown): Large
Weight (in pounds) at full-grown size.: 75
Primary Color: Black
What are your pet's favorite toys and activities?: Items to play tug of war with, kitty pool with water to lay in, walking/anything outdoors, car rides
Has your dog received any formal obedience training?: Yes
What commands does your dog know?: Sit/Stay/Laydown/Leave It/Come(has issues with recall)/Be Nice(when meeting other dogs)
Has your dog ever exhibited any challenging behaviors, such as biting a person or another pet? If so, could you please share some details about the situation?: Thor has been attacked by other dogs growing up while walking and has made him a little reactive around some dogs when they come up to him too quickly or just give off a bad vibe. But given the chance to meet a dog slowly, they always end up enjoying time together and being friends. But they are animals so caution is always needed with him.
How does your dog react to being left alone for short periods?: Terrible. He has horrible separation anxiety. Less than 5 minutes let alone and he will start howling. Maybe even less at times.
Are there any specific triggers that cause your dog anxiety or stress?: any loud noise he wasnt prepared for (4th of july isnt an issue for some reason) but he can be very skiddish and needs reassurance sometimes when things scare him.
Is there a particular routine that works best for your dog in terms of feeding, walking, and sleep?: 10am/5pm feeding times work well for him and he gets a walk everyday and enjoys sleeping on the bed inbetween activities or down time.
Medical History and Care:
Vaccinations up to date
Spayed or Neutered
Special Diet
Special Needs
Never Vetted
Does your pet have any history of health issues or medical conditions that potential adopters should be aware of?: Needs professional teeth cleaning and has small fatty lump deposits on his body that might need removed if they cause mobility issues. Vet said they were not harmful but also didnt test to see what it actually was.
How often does your dog require grooming (e.g., bathing, brushing, trimming)? : Thor has very thick nails and requires weekly nail trimming and wouldnt hurt to throw a bath in there at the same time.
Does your dog have any dental care routines (e.g., brushing, chews, professional cleanings)? : No, I have miss handled this aspect and he will need tooth care in the future or can be given before re homing.
Constant Companion
High Energy
Medium Energy
Low Energy
Needs Training
Friendly to Strangers
Good with Other Dogs
Good with Young Children
Good with Cats
Bonded Pair
Requires A Fenced Yard
Crate Trained
How is your dog with other dogs?: Selective: Gets along with some dogs but not others.
How is your dog with cats?: Friendly: Generally gets along well with cats.
What's the most endearing thing about your dog?: His endless joyful personality, he is just the funniest goofiest dog and brings joy to a home.
What criteria are important to you when considering an adoptive family or home for your pet?: Time to give Thor the attention and space he needs to get comfortable in a new home and understanding hes an amazing dog but it will take time for that side of him to come out again once re homed.
Is there anything else you'd like your pet's new family to know?: He loves pup cups/visiting fast food windows (he always gets a treat), he is scared of the vaccum and broom and a lot of odd objects in life, he really doesnt like his feet touched for some reason
Why are you rehoming your pet (primary reason)?: Personal Problems
Rehoming reason details (if necessary): Bottom line, I have come to the understanding that I don't want to be a dog owner anymore and it's a toxic part of my life. I find myself just more frustrated than relaxed when it comes to tasks/issues the dog brings up. He deserves a better home because the new home I moved into is ending up to not be a good fit for him.
If applicable, do you have the legal right or necessary permission from the breeder or rescue organization to rehome this pet? :
Not Applicable
How long will you be able to keep your pet before you may need to consider surrendering him or her to a rescue?: Not an option, my pet will stay with me for as long as it takes
Who is your veterinarian?: Rimrock Vet (Redmond,Oregon,97756)
What do you feed your pet, and does he/she have any feeding quirks or preferences?: Whole Hearted (1 cup/two times a day) I put some food toppers on and mix a little water in so its not as dry and he enjoys that.
Do you have pet insurance for your pet? : No
Would you consider a long distance adoption?:
City, State: Bend, OR
Zip Code: 97756
How did you hear about us?: Other Referral
Service Level: Priority Service: Fast-Track with Maximum Exposure