Ollie is wonderful. He is a two year old Australian Shepherd and tree walker coonhound mix. He is in good health, has a complete medical history, and weighs 54lbs.
Ollie is an intelligent, trained and active dog. He does well with kindness, structure and regular activity. In Ollie's mind, he is the boss, so setting the hierarchy in the house is important. He is good with children and excitable around new people.
He gets on very well with female dogs. However, given his age and energy, he needs to be introduced to older male dogs.
Ollie has been trained in dog training classes and by our own effort. He will work hard for you and enjoys beef liver rewards and bully sticks. On request, he will come, sit, go down, i.e. lie down, wait (for a short period) or stay (for more extended periods). He will also go to a place and stay in place for a good length of time. He can be excitable with new guests in the house but will go to his place and calmly stay there when asked.
Ollie is leash trained. He is comfortable on the leash and will not pull (unless he sees a squirrel run past!).
He is house trained and knows the areas he's not allowed into (we don't have to block off the space). He is crate trained, and guests are always impressed when you ask him to go to bed, he will calmly walk to the crate. Ollie is also comfortable going into his car travel crate and undertaking 1-2 hour journeys.
Finally, Ollie also fulfils a security function for the house and property. He is alert and will bark if someone unknown approaches the house. He also barks excitedly when the kids come home from school and goes to greet them at the door.
Ollie is a wonderful, intelligent, trained and active dog.