Luke and Leah

2 Marshall ferrets brother and sister, have lived together their whole lives.

Birthdate, estimate is okay: 04/2020
Age Category: Young
Where did you get your pet?: Petco
Adoption Day, when did you adopt your pet? An estimate is okay.: 07/2020
Gender: Male
Size (at full grown): Small
Weight (in pounds) at full-grown size.: 1
Primary Color: Brown
What are your pet's favorite toys and activities?: Hammocks and rope toys, leah likes to climb
Medical History and Care:
Vaccinations up to date
Spayed or Neutered
Special Diet
Special Needs
Never Vetted
Is there anything else you'd like your pet's new family to know?: Leah likes to nibble but they are both sweet, they like to try to escape play pens tho
Why are you rehoming your pet (primary reason)?: Schedule, No Time
How long will you be able to keep your pet before you may need to consider surrendering him or her to a rescue?: Two weeks
What do you feed your pet, and does he/she have any feeding quirks or preferences?: Marshall ferret food
Would you consider a long distance adoption?:
Zip Code: 22737