
She is a 6 year old ferret, Very sweet, In need of playful companion, and very energetic.

Birthday, estimate is okay: Sept, 2017
Age Category: Senior
Where did you get your pet?: Petco
Adoption Day, when did you adopt your pet? An estimate is okay.: June 2018
Gender: Female
Size (at full grown): Small
Weight (at full grown): 3
Primary Color: Black (Mostly)
What are your pet's favorite toys and activities?: Running around, crawling in holes and spaces
Medical History and Care:
Vaccinations up to date
Spayed or Neutered
Special Diet
Special Needs
Never Vetted
Why are you rehoming your pet (primary reason)?: Schedule, No Time
Rehoming reason details (if necessary): We’re mostly Rehoming cause no one is able to play with her and there’s to many big pets around for her to be out of her cage.
How long will you be able to keep your pet before you may need to consider surrendering him or her to a rescue?: Not an option, my pet will stay with me for as long as it takes
What do you feed your pet?: Wild harvest (advanced nutrients)
Would you consider a long distance adoption?:
Zip Code: 55125