
Gatsby is an incredible companion. All he truly wants is to lay around with his human and keep them company. He loves to nap, eat, and cuddle. Gatsby's home is his safe space and he gets nervous when he leaves it.

He is 65 lbs of pure muscle and force, so he is very strong. He behaves wonderfully with children, though he requires a lot of attention himself.

Gatsby is potty trained but does best when let out at least every 4 hours. It has become hard for him to hold it as he's aged. He has been crate trained in the past, but he will escape the traditional ones. He does better in a heavy-duty crate. Lately, we've been leaving him in one room of the house while gone and he has been doing well (no chewing), with the exception of a few accidents.

I envision Gatsby with someone who works from home and is looking for a buddy to keep them company all day, though we are open to all families who believe HE is a good fit for them.

Pet's Name: Gatsby
Dog: Primary Breed: Labrador Retriever
Primary Breed (if not in list): mix
Birthdate, estimate is okay: 02/2015
Age Category: Adult
Where did you get your pet?: We got Gatsby from a friend who rescued him
Adoption Day, when did you adopt your pet? An estimate is okay.: 04/2015
Gender: Male
Size (at full grown): Large
Weight (in pounds) at full-grown size.: 65
Primary Color: Tan (Mostly)
What are your pet's favorite toys and activities?: Gatsby loves nothing more than to lay on a comfy bed or couch and sleep the day away! He also loves to explore in the backyard and nap in the fresh air. He doesn't play with toys often but he does love a good greenie to chew on.
Medical History and Care:
Vaccinations up to date
Spayed or Neutered
Special Diet
Special Needs
Never Vetted
Constant Companion
High Energy
Medium Energy
Low Energy
Needs Training
Friendly to Strangers
Good with Other Dogs
Good with Young Children
Good with Cats
Bonded Pair
Requires A Fenced Yard
Crate Trained
Is there anything else you'd like your pet's new family to know?: Gatsby has endless amounts of love to give and will remain loyal to you forever. He is a barker and will bark at animals and people that he sees outside. I wouldn't trust him around other dogs; he is unaware of his size and shows a lot of discomfort when seeing other dogs. Gatsby is definitely a people dog! He loves meeting new people friends, though it may take a moment for him to warm up to them. He is a protector and sees his home as a place to keep safe.
Why are you rehoming your pet (primary reason)?: Housing is Inadequate for Pet
Rehoming reason details (if necessary): There are a few reasons we believe it's best for Gatsby to be rehomed at this time. In the last year, we moved to a new city, our baby grew into a toddler, and I returned to work. We had to downsize significantly due to the cost of living in our new town, so Gatsby does not have enough room. That, paired with our attention on our toddler, has impacted Gatsby. My husband and I work full time, and Gatsby isn't receiving the attention and affection that brings him so much joy. We can tell he isn't his normal self and we believe he would thrive in a home where he is someone's best friend and ultimate companion. Additionally, as Gatsby has aged, he does best when let out to go potty at least every 4 hours. With us both working full time, that isn't currently possible, resulting in accidents at home. We know that isn't ideal for him or for us.
How long will you be able to keep your pet before you may need to consider surrendering him or her to a rescue?: One month
Who is your veterinarian?: City Pets Animal Care
What do you feed your pet, and does he/she have any feeding quirks or preferences?: Kirkland Signature Adult Formula Lamb, Rice and Vegetable
Would you consider a long distance adoption?:
City, State: Nashville, TN
Zip Code: 37218