
Labradoodle Puppy

Pax is a very intelligent and loving dog. We both have very demanding jobs and work from home. We are unable to provide him the attention required, especailly at his age (7 months).

We have had a trainer come to the house to work with him and he has done very well, but we don't have the time to reinforce what he has learned. He is a quick learner and will easily repsond to command when reinforced.

He loves to play and go for walks and rides. We take him all over. He is great in the car. We have taken him to ice cream parlors and Home Depot and does very well. He still tends to ump on people, but more trianing can eliminate that.

Pax has been in a 4x4 pen since we got him. He sleeps through the night and we have never had issues with him whining since the day we got him. He is house trained. Will go to the door or come by you and whine to go out. Sometime he wil do that just to go out...LOL.

He does well in a fenced in yard. We have a pool and he does not jump into it. We do take him swimming when we are in it. He swims to the shallow end so he can walk out.

If it was not for the fact that we do not have the time to devote to him, we would not need to rehome him. He needs to be in ahome where he can get the love and attention he deserves. It will be very hard to let him go, but knowing he is going to a good home will help to make it a little easier.

Pet's Name: Pax
Dog: Primary Breed: Other, not listed
Primary Breed (if not in list): Labradoodle
Birthdate, estimate is okay: 1/7/2024
Age Category: Baby
Where did you get your pet?: Petland
Adoption Day, when did you adopt your pet? An estimate is okay.: 3/19/2024
Gender: Male
Size (at full grown): Medium
Weight (in pounds) at full-grown size. Example: 35: 22
Primary Color: Black (Mostly)
What are your pet's favorite toys and activities?: Flir pole, stuffed toys and balls. Anything he canchew and fetch. Loves the sqeekers in his toys.
Has your dog received any formal obedience training?: Yes
What commands does your dog know?: Sit primarily. Sometimes come, drop and leave it
Has your dog ever exhibited any challenging behaviors, such as biting a person or another pet? If so, could you please share some details about the situation?: No. He does play bite.
How does your dog react to being left alone for short periods?: He is fine. We put him in his pen and he relaxes. No seperation anxiety at all.
Are there any specific triggers that cause your dog anxiety or stress?: Sometimes a dog barking or a distant noise get his attention and he will pause and look around. A couple of time he has run towards the back door. Fireworks do not bother him.
Is there a particular routine that works best for your dog in terms of feeding, walking, and sleep?: Wake him about 7 every day. Take him for a walk and then play for a bit. He loves to chew his hully stick. Put him down between 9-9:30 for a couple of hours. Get him back up aroudn noon. He will go back down for a nap aroun 3:00. We get him back up at 5:30 and keep him up until 9-10 when he goes down for the night. All of his naps are in his pen in the basement.
Medical History and Care:
Vaccinations up to date
Spayed or Neutered
Special Diet
Special Needs
Never Vetted
Does your pet have any history of health issues or medical conditions that potential adopters should be aware of?: None
Constant Companion
High Energy
Medium Energy
Low Energy
Needs Training
Friendly to Strangers
Good with Other Dogs
Good with Young Children
Good with Cats
Bonded Pair
Requires A Fenced Yard
Crate Trained
How is your dog with other dogs?: Friendly: Generally gets along well with other dogs.
How is your dog with cats?: Not sure: Haven't had enough interaction to determine.
What's the most endearing thing about your dog?: He loves to play. He loves to sit in your lap in the morning and chew on his toy otr bully stick.
What criteria are important to you when considering an adoptive family or home for your pet?: Must love a dog that has high energy and loves to play. Kids would be ideal.
Why are you rehoming your pet (primary reason)?: Schedule, No Time
If applicable, do you have the legal right or necessary permission from the breeder or rescue organization to rehome this pet? :
Not Applicable
How long will you be able to keep your pet before you may need to consider surrendering him or her to a rescue?: Not an option, my pet will stay with me for as long as it takes
Who is your veterinarian?: North Hill Vet in Rochester Hills
What do you feed your pet?: Purina Pro Plan for puppies
Do you have pet insurance for your pet? : No
Would you consider a long distance adoption?:
City, State: Richester Hills, MI
Zip Code: 48306
How did you hear about us?: Google Search
Service Level: Standard Service: Full Support and Promotion