Eyevie is a 6 mo, almost 7 mo puppy. She has medical history papers. She is up to date on her shots, has her rabies vaccination tag, and is spayed. She has no reported or suspected health issues.
She is incredibly sweet and loving. She cannot get enough belly rubs! She's been great with adults, children, cats, and other dogs. She is a chewer, so she will need a lot of toys.
She is housetrained - she barks and grumbles at you when she wants to go outside. She's very expressive with her eyes, and she can be super sassy!
She has one ice blue eye and one dark brown eye. She is a gorgeous caramel color, with long pointed ears. She loves naps, but likes to be left alone while she's sleeping. As soon as she wakes up, it's playtime again!
Eyevie would be best with an active family, with room to run around and play. She loves to give hugs, so be prepared for a lot of cuddle time.