
Lovable Saint

Saint just turned 6 years old and although he has matured (much more layed back, no longer naughty), still has a puppy mentality - playful, friendly and loved by our neighbors. He's an Alaskan Malamute / Yellow Lab so enjoys cool weather and loves playing in the snow!

Pet's Name: Saint
Dog: Primary Breed: Alaskan Malamute
Birthdate, estimate is okay: September 2018
Age Category: Adult
Where did you get your pet?: Adopted from family friend's puppy litter
Adoption Day, when did you adopt your pet? An estimate is okay.: Adopted once he turned 8-9 weeks, November 2018
Gender: Male
Size (at full grown): Large
Weight (in pounds) at full-grown size. Example: 35: 120
Primary Color: Black (Mostly)
What are your pet's favorite toys and activities?: He loves chewing on a hard, rubber bone - KONG not Nylabone, it's not too hard but hard enough
Has your dog received any formal obedience training?: No
What commands does your dog know?: Sit (sitting or laying), Come, Down, Fetch (Get Your Bone!), Kiss, Give Me Your Paw! Go Get Your Water!
Has your dog ever exhibited any challenging behaviors, such as biting a person or another pet? If so, could you please share some details about the situation?: No biting. Can be stubborn at times and throws bowl around when he's ready to eat to get your attention. He might pull something off table like a pen or grab your sneaker when he's being ignored and wants attention. Then want to play catch me if you want it back.
How does your dog react to being left alone for short periods?: He's perfectly fine, and usually naps.
Are there any specific triggers that cause your dog anxiety or stress?: No. If he hears movement at night outside the home, he will bark and run to the window or door.
Is there a particular routine that works best for your dog in terms of feeding, walking, and sleep?: Best walked in the morning (7am-9am) to use the bathroom; then again at 1-2pm, then usually at 5-7pm. He is picky when laying out food in the morning and may not eat it until later afternoon or evening. Other times he gulps it up at breakfast, then not until evening around 7pm. He sleeps all night when lights are out i.e. 10pm, 11pm understanding it's bedtime and doesn't really wake until you do. Can sleep or is quiet until you get up as late as 9am, sometimes 10am.
Medical History and Care:
Vaccinations up to date
Spayed or Neutered
Special Diet
Special Needs
Never Vetted
Does your pet have any history of health issues or medical conditions that potential adopters should be aware of?: No. Has gotten ear infection once, or sometimes seasonal allergies where he's licked paws from itchiness remedied with diet change or allergy shot, but not lately..
Constant Companion
High Energy
Medium Energy
Low Energy
Needs Training
Friendly to Strangers
Good with Other Dogs
Good with Young Children
Good with Cats
Bonded Pair
Requires A Fenced Yard
Crate Trained
How is your dog with other dogs?: Very friendly: Loves meeting and playing with other dogs.
How is your dog with cats?: Neutral: Doesn't mind cats but doesn't interact much with them.
What's the most endearing thing about your dog?: His sweetness, and when he talks to you via various tones of barks to let you know he wants or needs something like he's talking to you. Each bark has a different sound I've learned to differentiate (i.e. I'm hungry, I'm out of water, I'm scared, I need you). He likes human touch and often puts his paw on your foot when he lays to rest while working at the table.
What criteria are important to you when considering an adoptive family or home for your pet?: I think Saint enjoys the outdoors but needs fencing or he will go out adventuring on his own and does not come in these instances when you call because he is so excited to explore. With that said, a farm or yard environment is important. Not good for all year around hot climates. And needs good space because he is large. I often think he'd enjoy another friendly playmate because our cat will not play with him when he tries to play with her. He exerts energy whenever we can get him to a dog run. If his energy builds up, on occassion, he will run around the house in a burst of energy so walking at least once a day is important.
Is there anything else you'd like your pet's new family to know?: When I leave for work, I leave a large pee pad in case he has to go to the bathroom. Often times, he will wait until I get home but if ever he needs to go, he will only go on the pad and not anywhere else to use the bathroom. He is in this sense partially potty trained - just needs to get out mornings, afternoons, evening and he knows to do it outside. If Saint wants attention while you are working at the table and you ignore him, if you step away, he will grab a book or ink pen, and when you come back he will want to play chase, "Come and get it from me," to get the attention he's seeking. Also, it's important to know that he is only partially trained, in that he must be leashed when walking or will run amuk and will not come when you call (this was when he was much younger, and we haven't tested him lately) but walks on leash with no problem. When strangers enter the house for the first time, He sniffs them, excited and friendly but will leave them alone once he does that.
Why are you rehoming your pet (primary reason)?: Moving
Rehoming reason details (if necessary): Moving overseas
If applicable, do you have the legal right or necessary permission from the breeder or rescue organization to rehome this pet? :
Not Applicable
How long will you be able to keep your pet before you may need to consider surrendering him or her to a rescue?: Not an option, my pet will stay with me for as long as it takes
Who is your veterinarian?: Dr. Jaio, Westchester Animal Hospital
What do you feed your pet?: Dry food - Nutro Lamb & Sweet Potato/Brown Rice ADDING (1) Stella & Chewy Lamb Dinner Patties or 1/2 pack of Portland Pet Food Chicken & Yams or Beef & Brown Rice for taste. Sometimes scrambled ground turkey meat when I'm out of wet food. He really likes Old Mother Hubbard P-Nuttier Dog Bisquits.
Do you have pet insurance for your pet? : No
Would you consider a long distance adoption?:
City, State: Mount Vernon, New York
Zip Code: 10552
How did you hear about us?: Google Search
Service Level: Assistance Needed: Help Me Choose