
Meet Opie, a 5.5-year-old, 68lb Pit mixed looking to embark on the perfect next chapter of his life. Opie is a smart, athletic, and well-trained dog who thrives on companionship, fun and structure. He’s fully; house trained and e-collar trained for off-leash adventures. He knows a variety of commands, including sit, stay, down, come/here, place, wait, and gentle when taking treats and “give hug” where he will jump up into open arms and give hugs. I have invested in professional training to help him be the best version of himself, and it shows—he’s obedient, eager to learn, and incredibly loyal.

Other than his sensitive stomach, Opie is in excellent health. He is fully vaccinated, microchipped and neutered. Full medical records are available.

While Opie has so many amazing qualities and is the perfect companion and best friend, he does have a bit history. It has been over 1 year since he has bitten someone, however this is something that any potential adopter should be aware of. His reactivity is fear-based, the times he has bitten there was a stressful situation or moment and his primary handler was not present. Additionally, those around him were not confident and experienced handlers which led Opie to become extremely stressed. As his primary handler, I personally have never once experienced or even seen these behaviors. In moments of stress when I am present, he will look to me for reassurance and if I provide it he will start to calm. Because of this, Opie needs an experienced owner who is confident in handling a dog that requires structure and control.

I want to find Opie a home where he will continue to thrive with a dog-savvy owner who understands his reactivity and is willing to continue training as well as be there to comfort and reassure him in times of stress. He does best when he can get regular exercise and mental stimulation and would love to receive it daily, although that is not an absolute requirement as he is also comfortable laying around cuddling on the couch most of the time. A yard or space where he can play off-leash safely would be ideal. He has lived in 2 homes, one without a fence (on a cul-de-sac with little to no traffic) where he was comfortable being off leash in the yard while supervised and did not wander beyond the property lines and the second having a fenced in yard.
He has not been around children or cats at any point. He is selective with other dogs. Most of the time he is completely neutral, however he has had instances where he and other dogs do not get along. He would likely do best in a home where he is the only dog or his fur sibling is also very neutral.

Opie is a loving, active, and highly trainable dog who will be an incredible companion in the right home. If you think you could be the right match for Opie, I’d love to hear from you. Serious inquiries only—we are committed to finding the best possible home for my best friend so he can spend the second half of his life thriving.

Pet's Name: Opie
Dog: Primary Breed: American Staffordshire Terrier
Birthdate, estimate is okay: July 20th, 2019
Age Category: Adult
Where did you get your pet?: Companion Pet Rescue (CPR)
Adoption Day, when did you adopt your pet? An estimate is okay.: June 10th, 2020
Gender: Male
Size (at full grown): Large
Weight (in pounds) at full-grown size.: 67
Primary Color: Calico/Multi/Tricolor
What are your pet's favorite toys and activities?: Tug of war, napping with his blanket, laying in the sun, walks & hikes, car rides
Has your dog received any formal obedience training?: Yes
What commands does your dog know?: Sit, stay, down, come/here, place ("Go to your bed"), loose leash walking ("tight"), gentle (when taking treats)
Has your dog ever exhibited any challenging behaviors, such as biting a person or another pet? If so, could you please share some details about the situation?: Yes, Opie does have a bite history. Since 2020, Opie has had a handful of instances where he has bitten people in my family (Mom, Dad & Girlfriend) on the hand in what the trainers and my vet believe is related to separation anxiety from his primary handler in instances when the people around were not strong handlers/leaders. This fear/anxiety resulted in him panicking, biting the hand and then hiding in sadness/depression for extended periods following the incident. The last time this happened was February of 2024
How does your dog react to being left alone for short periods?: If acclimated, i.e. put into his bed or onto the couch with a treat or toy then his is totally fine. If not, he is stressed for a few short minutes and then settles in and naps/ lays around while he is alone
Are there any specific triggers that cause your dog anxiety or stress?: Moments of stress like a truck backing up into the driveway, the doorbell ringing, etc. These are fine when Opie feels there is a human around that he feels is in control. If he feels he is the "alpha" in the room during these scary moments he panic's more than if there is someone he trusts around
Is there a particular routine that works best for your dog in terms of feeding, walking, and sleep?: He is VERY go with the flow which makes his daily routine open to whatever works for you!
Medical History and Care:
Vaccinations up to date
Spayed or Neutered
Special Diet
Special Needs
Never Vetted
Does your pet have any history of health issues or medical conditions that potential adopters should be aware of?: Opie has been diagnosed with Colitis (Sensitive Stomach). He eats Hill Science prescription GI Biome Dog Food
How often does your dog require grooming (e.g., bathing, brushing, trimming)? : Nearly never, unless he gets dirty on hikes
Does your dog have any dental care routines (e.g., brushing, chews, professional cleanings)? : N/A
Constant Companion
High Energy
Medium Energy
Low Energy
Needs Training
Friendly to Strangers
Good with Other Dogs
Good with Young Children
Good with Cats
Bonded Pair
Requires A Fenced Yard
Crate Trained
How is your dog with other dogs?: Selective: Gets along with some dogs but not others.
How is your dog with cats?: Not sure: Haven't had enough interaction to determine.
What's the most endearing thing about your dog?: Opie loves to lay his big head on your chest/ neck area. He also likes to "Give Hugs" where he will jump up and wrap his arms around you and place his head on your shoulder. He also has a blanket that he sleeps with and carries around the house which is incredibly adorable
What criteria are important to you when considering an adoptive family or home for your pet?: A safe and loving home with a parent/parents who are knowledgable dog owners that understand behavioral patterns, dog body language and stressors. People who are able to let Opie enjoy the sunshine and take him for walks whenever they can. People who are comfortable with a large bully breed cuddling up with them.
Is there anything else you'd like your pet's new family to know?: Opie is truly the greatest companion dog i have ever met. He seems to perfectly understand when you need space to get things done and is ok being around you while giving you your needed space yet also knows when you need loving and will gladly lay in your lap under under your blanket and be your best friend. As long as you are around, he is happy
Why are you rehoming your pet (primary reason)?: Other, Not in List
Rehoming reason details (if necessary): After being bitten, my girlfriend is not comfortable being around Opie. He has not had any behavioral incidents in over a year. In order for her to move in with me, I need to find Opie a new loving home.
If applicable, do you have the legal right or necessary permission from the breeder or rescue organization to rehome this pet? :
Not Applicable
How long will you be able to keep your pet before you may need to consider surrendering him or her to a rescue?: Three months
Who is your veterinarian?: Oronoque Animal Hospital - Stratford Ct
What do you feed your pet, and does he/she have any feeding quirks or preferences?: Hill Science prescription GI Biome Dog Food - He eats with a slow feeder and i rehydrate his food with water before i give it to him
Do you have pet insurance for your pet? : Yes
Would you consider a long distance adoption?:
City, State: West Haven, CT
Zip Code: 06516
How did you hear about us?: Google Search
Service Level: Assistance Needed: Help Me Choose